Patricia Garcia

I enjoy discovering new books regarding meditation. By chance, I stumbled upon a book on Amazon called The Living Eternal World by Woo Myung and read good reviews, so I decided to order the book. Once I received the book and opened it, I noticed the format was different from the books I typically read. Rather than lengthy chapters, this book was written in verses and stanzas of two or three pages at a time. The simplicity appeared it would be an easy read. However, as simple as it was, I also found The Living Eternal World to be very poignant. Every page drew me in because the concept of absolute truth is explained in such a way that I had not heard of before: the absolute truth is the infinite universe.

This book is written from the perspective which enables people of all the major religions to easily understand what God, Buddha, Heaven, repentance, and salvation are. It is a true philosophy book sans all the unnecessary verboseness that I often find in most other philosophy books. The author breaks everything down in such a way that makes it easy for the reader to digest.

Although the author continuously conveys to the reader about what the true world and its importance is, each passage is unique and speaks to the reader wholeheartedly. Just as a painting reflects the painter’s mind, the same goes for a writer’s work. Based on the clarity of the writings, I have no doubt the author must have reached enlightenment.

The contents of this book really touched my heart, and I have already read it more than 10 times, yet it is refreshingly new each time I read it. In fact, the more I read it, the more my internal questions seem to get resolved. Interestingly enough, there are some quotes from the Bible that Woo Myung writes about, things that I must have read in the Bible and heard about in church at least a thousand times and yet, as I was reading this book, it really started to sink in what those things actually mean. I came to understand what it means for God to be in me and that the living world is forever in me.

All of the material things we see throughout our lives will eventually disappear someday. Regardless, there is something that eternally does not change. The existence of the absolute truth is the very universe itself. Of the handful of books that I recommend, I highly recommend this book to everyone. I have already given one to my sister, and I am going to order a few more to gift my close friends. It is an excellent read.